Monday, May 12, 2014


Paeonia or more commonly known peony (at least to me) are beautiful plants that I recall growing in the yard of my childhood home as well in my grandmothers yard. I can  remember the bush like shape of the plant and the beautiful blooms.

Peonies grow best in area exposed to part or full sun. In a variety of colors of red, pink , white and yellow. Blooming in the spring and while the flowers often die away the bush like plants remain. The  outrageous beautiful blooms may live longer than you do. Like I said these plants have outlasted my grandparents for sure and still maintain their beauty.

The foliage of the peonies are lovely as border in yards and can even work as low hedge.

Thinking of planting some peonies in your own yard? Keep in mind they grow better in deep, fertile, humus rich, moist soil that drains well. Peonies beautiful blooms fall off easily if they are located in area that is busy and unprotected. They should be planted away from trees or shrubs and spaced three to four feet apart from each other. Plant them in the fall months and before the first hard frost so they will be ready to grow in the spring. Peonies bulbs should be planted about  2 feet deep and two feet across with the eye of the root face up

1 comment:

  1. We had peonies in our old yard and I loved them. We do not have them in our new yard. Hmmm, hadn't thought about them in a while. Maybe time to bring in a bush or two! Thanks! :)


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