Friday, April 25, 2014

What Have You Done For The Love Of Your Life

In just a few months my youngest daughter will be marrying the love of her life. She must realize and I believe that she does that just like in life there may be moments of loneliness and unhappiness and my prayer for her is that these feeling will be overweighed with happiness and moments of security.
I must say that I believe the man that shares her love is also her best friend. They know each other in and out. One benefit of marriage means that her best friend will always be with her. In hopes that her partner will also be always supportive and understanding and be there always ready to listen and help

If they make sure to keep lines of communication open and respect each other with love and thoughtfulness then marriage should be filled with love. If however they don't care for the marriage or take care of the relationship it may suffer. The beautiful act of gaining a marriage license and the amazing ceremony do not guarantee living happily ever after. Marriage is so much better than single people think but it does take work and that work comes from both. Wives can not expect the husband to know exactly what she wants without communication and husbands should listen to what is being shared. It also works the other way both must listen and share the skill of listening and helping the other.

 "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you" (Colossians 3:13).

What is one thing you can do today to make your spouse's life better?
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