Sunday, December 8, 2013

Keeping Kitchen Cleaned During Holidays

The holidays makes it very hard to keep the house organized and looking good. One thing that I hate is having guest over and my kitchen not being tidy. Here are some tips that may help you be prepared for guest with a clean kitchen:

  • One great idea to help keep the top of fridge from getting cluttered is to create a display on top of your fridge that takes up the entire space or placing a decorative item up there that does the same. I love vintage items so on top mine I have a beautiful old pitcher and glass set that I have spaced out to cover the top
  • Were you aware that the top of your microwave works better if not covered with mic... items? Well it does. If you insist on items being on the microwave or they end up there somehow then one thing that you can do is place a pedestal bowl on top of the microwave as sort of a catch all. this allows the microwave to still breathe as well
  • Organizing pantry space will not allow them to look neat but also help you put groceries away as often make it easier to find that ingredient when cooking. Separating items by use or variety are two great ways to set up your pantry.
  • One idea to keep counter space clear is to attach appliances such as coffee pot, can opener, etc... on the under neath side of the cabinet
  • One tip that I use all the time is to clean as you go. This takes less time because you have it all done as you cook and also makes kitchen look much better
  • One pet peeve of mine is when we save leftovers but for one reason or another do not label them. The best thing to do with left overs is to label them with date, and what it is. Remember these items have shelf life as well.
I hope that these tips help you not only during the holidays but help to make life a bit easier. It seems to me that if my home is tidy I am happy. Do you have any tips to share would love to hear them please share in comments

One of my dreaded jobs that seems like I do it more than my fair share is mopping the kitchen floor. I now can see why grandma would get so mad at us for spilling on the kitchen floor right after she got done mopping it.

How to Mop a Floor:
The best way to mop a floor is to start with the cleanest pallet possible so go ahead and sweep or vacuum that floor. Fill a bucket with hot water and add a small amount of cleaner to the water. Cleaners you can use include detergent, ammonia, or floor cleaner. The cleaner choice is up to you just read the directions on the container prior to using Now after the floor is clean and the water is ready it is time to start mopping the floor. First dip your mop into the bucket. Wring out the mop using your hands or if you have a mop that has a wringer you can use that as well. The best way to scrub (mop) is to go in a straight line if you are using a sponge mop or if you are using a rag mop then swirl the mop head in figure eight shapes. To remove hard stains you will have to apply pressure to the mop. Now that you have started mopping you will want to occasionally wring the pop out in the bucket One of the most important steps one that is not always possible for me is to let the floor dry before walking on it.

Tips to help while mopping the floor
1. Flip your mop over often to expose a clean side. If you use only one side you will have to rinse it more, wasting time.

2. Before you mop your floor be sure to vacuum or sweep it first. Remove soil when it is dry before it turns into sticky mud.
3. Use the correct amount of floor cleaner. If you try to be cheapo and use too little it will not work as quickly. if you use too much you will leave a residue on the floor making it get dirty quicker.
4. Make at least two passes over each area. On your first pass you will wet the floor with cleaner. Give the cleaner time to work and then remove the soil on your second pass.
5. Rinse your mop often to keep from spreading dirt around. If your floor is very soiled you may need to dump your mop water one or two times.

Well having shared this information with you I am off to mop my floor. Hope you all have a great day.

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