Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pet Lovers Beware

This is one of my best friends from school days. He is also one of the biggest pet lovers that I know. He would do anything for his pets and loves to have fun with them. Here is seen reading a book to his class where is dog just happened to visit to celebrate the 100th day of school. I am not sure if he will celebrate Halloween with his dog or not but if he does I know that he will consider a few things before heading out. Here is a list of things for you to think about as well as you celebrate with your pet.

Many of us like the fall celebration of what is known as Halloween. Whether we are spreading tracts and the stories of Jesus or giving candy that treaters are looking for many boys and girls alike have a good time. However we need to consider our pets as well when we plan our night of fun. There are many things that may bother our pets.

Pets can be bothered by the doorbell ringing and people coming to the door. Whether the guest are in costume or not the night and the noise can be very stressful for the pets. If it bothers your pet to much you may want to consider finding them a quiet and safe place on Halloween.

Strangers in costume may place a bit of fear in some animals. Whether the stranger would be known without the costume or not may still frighten the pet. 

Beware of Jack O' Lanterns a fire hazard may become more of one within reach of wagging tails and frightened cats running through the house. Candles can be easily tipped over causing a fire. 

Animals (especially black cats) need to be kept indoors. Pranksters often risk animals in their fun and games. 

Candies such as gums, mints, baked goods and chocolate containing xylitol are especially poisonous to our pets.  Chocolate is also toxic to pets and can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Lollipops and those with plastic components pose a choking hazard for pets.

 If you want to dress your pet up for Halloween consider costume when choosing. Never leave a pet alone when in costume. Watch for tight elastics on the costumes which can get caught on pets fur and lead to swelling and pain in the area of elastic. Make sure pet does not chew on costume which could lead to intestinal obstruction due to swallowing small shreds of material. Consider reflective collars and gear for pets a great idea for year round not only Halloween.

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