Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year Brings New Dreams

Having almost all my kids at home can be a bit tight but I know the future looks bright. We will soon begin a dream of mine and hopefully it will help them out as well. The dream I have will be a family business of sorts. I have had shops before but that was simply me or me and my hubby now it is the entire family. That is why my phase this week is

Looking forward to future with family


  1. Best of luck with your dreams in this new year!

  2. Hope it works out well for you. I know that I love having my family surrounding me as well!

  3. good luck with your dream becoming reality!

  4. I hope your dreams come true. Having a family business is one of the toughest things. Good luck!

  5. Believe and it will happen, sounds very exciting. Best of luck with the adventure

  6. stopping by from the SWS hop...wishing you a grand adventure in getting your dreams fullfilled this year!!

  7. Wishing you much success on your new shop!!

  8. Like my family! The business is mostly run by us. Happy New Year!
    : )

    P.S. I'm not sure if my last comment came through, or not, so I decided to write a new one.


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