Sunday, November 25, 2012

saturday 9

1) Are you still feasting on cold turkey, or any other leftovers, from your Thanksgiving meal?

yep until they are all gone
2) AAA says Thanksgiving is a big travel weekend. Did you venture far from home for your holiday dinner?

not this time I had those away come to me
3) Is this weekend the official start of the Christmas season for you?

sure is 
4) Which couple would you rather hang out with -- Fred and Wilma Flintstone or George and Jane Jetson?

fred and wilma more in our league 
5) Have you/would you ever get your teeth whitened?

6) Do you still have your high school class ring?

lost it several years ago
7) Here's $50. You must spend it all in one place. What are you going to do with it?

wont take long going to the grocery store
8) Could your vehicle use a trip to the car wash right about now?

sure could
9) Did you hit the snooze button this morning?

nope, never do


  1. Thanks for the visit & enjoyed your answers as well :D


  2. I thought I'd lost my ring, too, but it turned up at my mother's house recently. Can't honestly say I missed it.

  3. I picked Flintstone too but now I'm wondering about all those fancy future toys LOL

    I'm late to the show but here I am.


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