Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Twist On Popcorn Balls

Each year our grandmother would make popcorn balls as a halloween treat. They are not hard to make and so tasty. The only problem is that the one trying to enjoy them would have their hands busy and sticky. So I simply love this new twist on popcorn balls. You can find out more about it and a great recipe here

shared at
all star block party


  1. I remember my mom making popcorn balls to hand out on Halloween. Fun memories! :-)

    Thank you for stopping by and entering my giveaway! I love chosing a child from the Angel Tree's been a few years, but I hope to do it again this year! :-)

  2. What a fantastic idea! I used to love making popcorn balls and remember that hot molasses well. We'd butter our hands so that they wouldn't get burned as we formed the balls. And then what a mess we had trying to eat them.

  3. im making these well not exactly like this for the reception :)


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