Friday, September 21, 2012

Freshen Those Towels

Use baking soda and vinegar to fix funky towels
Top 10 Time-Saving, MacGyver-Style Cleaning TricksOver time, and with many washes, your bath towels will build up detergent and fabric softener residue, leaving them both unable to absorb as much water and smelling kinda funky when they do. Rather than give Target another lump sum, run them through the wash once with hot water and a cup of vinegar, then again with hot water and a half-cup of baking soda, as wikiHow suggests. That strips the residue from them, leaves them smelling fairly fresh again, and makes your post-shower experience a dryer one, at that.


  1. Hi.
    I have come here through Friendship Friday.
    I like using vinegar and baking soda for cleaning, but I didn't know they can be used in this way as well. Thank you for sharing. I will give it a try.

  2. Vinegar and baking soda are amazing! Just yesterday I cleared a slow drain with them.

    1 cup of Baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar in the drain, and cover with the stopper for 30 min. Then flush with hot water for 3 minutes. If needed repeat.

    I will try your idea with the towels. Thanks!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. I would have never thought of that. Thanks for sharing. Love your picture too, it is so pretty and full of color.


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