Thursday, August 16, 2012

The EWG and Organic Fruit and Veggies

Have you ever heard of the EWG well I was recently introduced to it. The EWG is the Environmental Working Group that each year assembles a list of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15. The Dirty Dozen are fruits and veggies that are known to have the highest levels of toxins The clean 15 have been found to have the least. Download your own list from the EWG website.
Dirty Dozen Clean 15
apples onions
celery sweet corn
sweet bell pepper pineapple
peaches avocado
strawberries cabbage
nectarines (imported) sweet peas
grapes asparagus
spinach mangoes
lettuce eggplant
cucumbers kiwi
blueberries (domestic) cantaloupe (domestic)
potatoes sweet potatoes

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