Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summer Time Soup

Hun­gar­ian Chilled Cherry Soup

(mostly from Joy of Cook­ing, with a few adjustments)

As I have shared before my dad was a cherry lover for sure and this soup I am sure he would have been super interested in

6 cups of pit­ted cher­ries: 4 cups sour ‘Hun­gar­ian’
2 cups sweet ‘Lapin’.
2 cups Gewurtz­traminer wine (or any other dry but inter­est­ing white wine, like an Aus­tralian or New Zealand Sauvi­gnon Blanc)
1/4 cup sugar
4 tea­spoons corn­starch
1 table­spoon lemon juice
1 table­spoon orange juice
2 tea­spoons grated orange rind
mint leaves and sour cream for garnish

Add half of the cher­ries to a large pot with 2 cups of water and the 2 cups of white wine. Bring to a boil and cook until the cher­ries are just ten­der (about 15 min­utes). Purée either with a mini-blender in the pot (eas­i­est) or sep­a­rately in a food proces­sor until it is smooth and return to the pot. In another bowl, mix sugar and corn­starch. Add some of the cooked cherry soup to it and mix until it is a smooth paste with most of the sugar and corn­starch semi-dissolved. Add that to the pot and stir.
Add the other half of the cher­ries, along with the lemon juice, orange juice and grated orange rind. Cook for another 10 min­utes or so, for the newer cher­ries to get a lit­tle more ten­der. Taste; if it is too sweet, add lemon juice. If too sour, add sugar. Let cool and chill before serving.
Serve with a dol­lop of sour cream and some mint leaves. It can be either served as a soup before the meal or as a dessert.

Recipe Source: here

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