Sunday, July 15, 2012

Look What I Found

1. Peace

love this picture it is so peaceful was taken by a friend who went camping at land between the lakes
2. Petals
The petals on this vintage tray may be the closest you come to petals on flowers this year many of my flowers and grass has passed this summer because of the heat

3. Fresh
When given fresh strawberries I love to make up some of this freezer strawberry jam so that we have it whenever we want some

4. eight

How many of you remember the fortune telling magic 8 ball. I can tell you I spent many hours predicting my future or at least seeing what the ball had to say. The truth is God had a plan for me.

5. Calm

Cant you just feel the calm in this peaceful picture? I love it the quiet before the awakening


  1. Great Photos! I love how you went a little out of the box for the Petal shot. Your Peace and Calm shots are amazing! Thank you for sharing.

  2. The calm shot is absolutely beautiful! The strawberries look delicious!

  3. Fun! What a gogreous shot of Peace...make me want to walk down tot he ocean and find some of my own peace down there. Those strawberries...yum!

  4. The Peace photo is beautiful and yes, I should keep it front of me, when frustrated. I think it would work.

  5. Your first and last shots are GORGEOUS.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post