Friday, June 1, 2012

Aloha Friday: Fun in the Sun

Aloha Friday a time to relax and have a bit of fun and a meme hosted by the blog An Island Life. The place to ask an easy to answer question to be answered by other fellow bloggers. My thoughts today is on summer fun and wondering what you all like to do. Our family is one for hiking, visiting historical pieces and enjoying life in the sun. Now it is your turn to answer my question

What do you like to do in the summer time

also join in the fun at


  1. Well, that's a popular question today. I love garage sales for one, but the best one is VACATION! Love going places I've never been before.

  2. i love just relaxing and spending time outside! by the way....those smores bars look decadent and delicious! yum!! thanks for sharing! glad i found your blog!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post