Saturday, April 28, 2012

Aloha Friday & Confession Time

To me today marked the first day of Rummage sale, Yard sale, or garage sale season. The reason because today was the first time that I got out to look for treasures. Did I find treasures you can bet you I did. I found drapes for the big picture window in the living room, a basket full of nice towels and washcloths, several nice vintage tablecloths all in a box for $7, a stoneware cookie jar (a new ebay find for me) for $8 this should be a great money maker, a vintage box fan that I found was going for around $60 on ebay that I bought to use for $5 awesome I must say. So I believe I did rather well

My Aloha Friday Question is (by the way aloha friday is a super fun meme hosted by the blog an island life and is where bloggers can ask super easy questions that can be responded to by super easy answers)

Do you like to go treasure hunting? If so what is a treasure you have found.


  1. Unfortunately, I am too lazy! I sleep in on weekends, which is when most of our garage sales take place. I did get some great books for my classroom for next to nothing at the last one I went to which was January. My sister goes and finds all kinds of cool things to sell on ebay or keep.

  2. I used to go to garage sales a lot when I lived out in Washington State - not so much since living in PA because where I live is so rural. I suspect once I move back I'll be more prone to do so since my garage sale buddies will motivate me. ;)


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