Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Natural Egg Dyes

With the many egg dyes on the market for coloring Easter eggs you may be surprised to see that you can make some really pretty easter eggs by using items that you find easily in your own kitchen or grocery store


Fresh beets, cranberries, radishes or frozen raspberries
Pinkish red
Yellow onion skins Orange
Orange or lemon peels, carrot tops, celery seed or ground cumin Delicate yellow
Ground turmeric Yellow
Spinach leaves Pale green
Yellow Delicious apple peels Green-gold
Canned blueberries or red cabbage leaves Blue
Strong brewed coffee Beige to brown
Dill seeds Brown-gold
Chili powder Brown-orange
Purple or red grape juice or beet juice Grey

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  1. I love experimenting with other foods to dye eggs. Plus doing so makes for a fun science experiment with my kiddos!

  2. These are great tips on dying eggs naturally.

  3. What a neat idea to dye eggs using natural options. I had no idea you could do this but I am thinking it will make a fun summer science experiment with my sons this summer season!

  4. Oh, these are great! With littles who will most-likely be doing their first eggs next year, I really appreciate any kind of natural solutions!

  5. Oh! I bet beets do a lovely job. I love this list!

  6. I had no idea there were natural was to dye eggs. I'll have to bookmark this for Easter!


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