Friday, March 9, 2012

Aloha Friday

Once again it is time for Aloha Friday all to often the week passes by quickly and I am so happy to see that Friday has reached us again. Aloha Friday is a meme hosted by An Island Life where bloggers get together to ask easy questions that other bloggers can give easy answers to. This week I have a question that is easy but one that could help me out greatly.

I have been trying to make money online and off and I was wondering if any of you participated in any online money making opportunities and could share them with me. Thanks


  1. Unfortunately I haven't yet discovered any legitimate online money making opportunities... I started doing web design and custom gift baskets after Princess Nagger was born, so while it's not an abundant income, at least it gives me some mad money and I feel like I'm able to contribute to the household. :) If I see or hear of anything legitimate, I'll certainly pass it along! :)

    Aloha: Tu loquere Latine?

  2. Sorry but I am no help... unless you mean products :)

  3. I don't know about dollars..but I do earn Amazon money from Superpoints. I've made $35 so far. Here is a signup link if you're interested.

  4. I do run ads on my site and participate in various affiliate programs like I'll probably never be able to retire from it but it's good spending money.

  5. I have no clue.. but if you hear of anything, I would love it if you let me know.. and if I hear, I will tell you...


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post