Friday, January 27, 2012

Aloha Friday: Are You Thirsty

Aloha Friday is a day that I look forward to each week. A fun filled day where the blog An Island Life at sponsors an event where bloggers simply ask other bloggers simple questions that require simple answers. Lots of fun.

My question this week is:
What is your beverage of choice?

me I am a sweet tea drinker


  1. Coffee with hazelnut creamer.

  2. Arizona Green Tea or any Japanese drink from a vending machine or store!

  3. This time of year it's hot Apple Cider. Yum!!

    Happy Friday!

  4. Coffee in the morning and Vanilla Coke in the afternoon. :)

    The Case of the Missing Phone

  5. Coffee - black & strong while working. At home I grab me some Ice Tea. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Hot coffee in the morning and hot tea in the evening. During the day it's up for grabs. Have a great weekend.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post