Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Mommy's Idea Little late in creating this post but the holiday rush has sped things up a bit. First and foremost what a wonderful Christmas we are having. It seems as my life changes so does my Christmas but I am glad that Christmas still here and while I love the song "Where are you Christmas" I am so happy that I had those that helped me to remember that changes take place but Christmas is always there

Christmas has been approaching very fast this year. I have not had time to get all I wanted done. I noticed that the little ones are doing more baking than I am this year. I normally have lots of holiday goodies but this year there have been some but not a lot.

Love this little song as well

While my goodies may be more new year cookies I must say the cards have not went out as well but i belive I will call them holiday cards rather than Christmas cards this year. Hope all those that get them still hearing about the news of our family.

The kids have all seen santa and made their wishes known and tonight they may find it hard to sleep as they wait to see if Santa comes

So as you pack those little ones into bed don't forget to look at the stars and ponder with them about that wonderful star that was seen by the shepherds, wisemen all those years ago when the angels lit up the sky and sang

Merry Christmas to all

1 comment:

  1. May peace, love and prosperity follow you always and forever.
    Wishing you the happiest of holidays!


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