Thursday, November 3, 2011

Featuring the Letter A

A is for Annies Home. A is also for the writer of Annies Home Angie. So now you may want to know why my name is not Annie if this is my home. The truth is that my dad's nickname for me was Annie and because I felt right at home on the internet and thus named my blog Annies Home. Now that all that I have shared that bit of useful information let me share some other great A words with you.

Raggedy Ann and Andy are a set of my favorite fictional characters. I had a raggedy ann doll when I was a little girl and now that I am much younger I have several rag dolls being an avid collector.

I love apples. The scent of apples, eating raw apples, recipes made using apples and simply sitting under an apple tree. I can remember my first home as a little girl had a giant apple tree in it While it did not make a lot of apples it did give lots of shade. We also went to the orchard once or twice a year to gather an ample supply of apples that would see us through the winter. Here are some awesome apple recipes here on my blog do a quick search and find them easily.

Another word that I love that starts with that famous letter A is angel. I once played an angel in a school play. While my wings were made up of clothes hanger spread with cloth I felt very angelic. My mother and sister both collect angels and have several. I have collected a couple of attractive angels myself each of them with a meaning to me.

Jenny Matlock


  1. I am a lover of Raggedy Ann and Andy also. I still have a couple of book about them from my childhood. I expect they would almost be considered antiques.

  2. great letter a post I love Raggedy Ann and Andy too

  3. Good A stuff! I think most of us remember Raggedy Ann and Andy fondly.


  4. Love Raggedy Ann and Andy, great A post!

  5. I don't think we have Raggedy Ann and Andy over here (UK). We definitely have angels though. And apples! At the moment, my car stinks of apples because there is a large bag of windfalls in the boot. They are on their way to a friend's piglets.

  6. hi Annie, what a homey and lovely blog you have!

    I always afraid of Raggedy Ann and Andy. It was there noses. Yeah. Anyway.

    The angels and the apples don't frighten me, though. See, I am too semi-normal?

    My youngest sister collected angels. When she passed away my Mom distributed her collection to all of us sisters, some nieces and then donated the rest to a nursing home to comfort the residents.

    Thanks for a lovely memory and a lovely visit.



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