Monday, October 10, 2011

Hot Cocoa Mix

Our family attends lots of out door events and since the weather has been getting colder one of our favorite take alongs is hot chocolate in thermos. The reason for this is ofcourse to keep us warm on the inside and the other reason we bring our own is the cost of how much the stands are selling hot chocolate for. One stop last week found that hot chocolate was going for $1.50 a glass and at the football game it is $1 a glass.

4 cups instant nonfat dry milk powder
1-1/2 to 2 cups sugar
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer (coffee lightener like Creamora)
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 package of instant store-bought chocolate OR vanilla pudding mix (optional, but very good)

Measure all of the ingredients into a dry clean bowl. Use a whisk to sort of stir everything together. If the cocoa clumps up, smash the little balls with a fork. When everything is evenly distributed, transfer the Hot Cocoa Mix to a clean coffee can, or a sealed canister. Use 2 cups of sugar if you are making this for kids. The extra sweetness makes it especially kid-friendly. For grown-ups you could add 1/4 cup of instant coffee for a nice mocha flavor.
To Prepare: Spoon 1/3 cup of the hot cocoa mix into a cup or mug. Add boiling water to the top, stir and serve.

recipe source: hillbilly housewife

Frugal Friday @ Life as Mom

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