Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Kind Of Bird Is This

A friend of mine asked a question today. What kind of bird is this? Seen in central Illinois we have no idea what type of bird this is Do you?

Ruby Tuesday


  1. My best is that it's a juvenile cardinal. But someone else probably knows better than I!


    A man who was out of his head
    Was claiming he always saw red.
    He saw it all day,
    At work and at play,
    And saw it at night while in bed.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Teleférico rojo

  2. Looks like a young cardinal but it seems like he is sick. I can see the skin because the feather is bald. I hope I am wrong poor guys if he is sick.

    Red Barn

  3. Yeah, it looks like a young cardinal that still has to grow into its beak!

  4. hmm what is that? red little rooster? :)

  5. I think it might be a scarlet tanager. Doesn't look like a cardinal to me.

  6. Gosh, I've never seen anything like that. Could it be someone's pet that escaped? Have you seen more than one?


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post