Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Day Off  Is Never Enough

There is so much work to be done today here at home. From housework to shopping to taking time for family. I sometimes wonder if having one day off from work is really a day off of work.


  1. It seldom is! Hope you find the time anyway. :-)

  2. Completely agree that 1 day is not enough! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)

  3. Thank you for the follow... I enjoy your blog as well. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Ditto - I posted about doing nothing this weekend, but nothing is actually still cleaning, food shopping and washing.

    It never ends does it? Hope you find some time for yourself to relax

  5. A day off from one job to do so many others... Hope you get a break soon!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Never! But 365 days off is too much :(

  8. It's just a day not at work...not a day off!

  9. Right on, Annie! And retirement is just like that, every day is a Saturday but every day there is work to do, lots of it.


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