Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Where Are We

located in beautiful Southern Illinois



  1. I'm from San Francisco, CA! I'm following from Where Are You Wednesday hop. Come visit me back!

    Michelle @ Things Sent My Way

  2. Nice pic :)

    Also stopping by to let you know you have been awarded the Versatile Blog Award. Stop by Mercy's World for rules and to pick up your badge.

  3. You're not too far from my Indy home:) Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog Loving Life. I'm your newest follower:)

  4. Very nice photo my friend. I really like it.

  5. Yeah intelligent conversations are hard to come by..the only ones I seem to have are with my mother, grandmother and uncles...everyone else...well it's just always debating against something...but with the other claiming to know it all...be right...and thats all that matters...and always have to have an opinion on how you run your life or raise your kids...and my kids are coming out great...yeah mistakes..they make...mouths they have...get it from their father's side...I have to be pushed before my mouth explodes...LOL...thanks for following...following back

  6. Wow! Southern Illinois really is pretty, not at all like the flat land around Chicago. :-)

  7. Prowling Books in The Lair already following you! Cool blog!

  8. Hi Annie...

    Wow...I had no idea that southern Illinois had mountains! What a beautiful photo! I live in Colorful Colorado and just love it here. The mountains are a couple hours away...I live on the flatlands...or prairie. Love the climate here as well! I have only been to Chicago and that was changing flights at O'Hare. Would love to see more of your beautiful state!

    Thank you for joining in with the Sunday Favorites repost party, my friend! Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design


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