Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In The Garden

In the garden this week I have been admiring how the tomato plants are starting to grow. After the rain slowed me down a bit and the plants got out a bit late I am so happy to see them growing

Being able to go out in the yard and spend time with my flowers and veggie garden is a small thing that I like to do. It is relaxing work but work it is. I admire this poem that I found and I think you will see why.

Today the world seemed cruel, but evening hours

Were filled with perfume from forgotten flowers.

I saw again familiar filigree

Of moonlight through my lacy Lilac tree;

I heard the robins stirring in their nest;

And saw the path that fairy feet had pressed;

Reflected stars were in my garden pool;

On my warm face the breeze was kind and cool.

The silence seemed to speak, my head was bowed,

Then ramblers that had grown into a cloud

Lifted my eyes that, tear-washed, now could see

The beauty that today was lost to me.

Dear god, who is so near to flowers, and birds,

Be nearer still, as I shall search for words

To thank Thee for the blessings night revealed,

Which through the day discouragement concealed.

Oh the summer work must still be done there are always more jobs to do and while I enjoy the work it never seems to end The list of chores continues to grow and often includes hours of work that I enjoy but tire after as well.

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  1. So nice to see other people getting into their gardens! I got into mine for the first time on Tuesday, and I'm getting dirty again tomorrow, no matter how much I still ache! Tomatoes, peppers, and squash (and even one experimental eggplant this year) are all finally going into the ground! I can't wait!

  2. I adore gardening. It makes me willingly exercise. Digging in the dirt is so rewarding. I love to see the flowers bloom and harvest crops that I can make yummy meals out of. Now I have my Little Bit who is 17 months old with me. I strap him in the baby backpack and off we go to tend the gardens. A solid hour outside everyday watering, weeding, and exploring. A wonderful gift from God!

  3. Thank you so much for linking to {nifty thrifty things} last week!
    I hope to see you again tomorrow!


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