Saturday, June 25, 2011

Five Question Friday on Saturday

1. What is your current favorite tv show?

The Voice

2. What's the worst haircut you ever got?

one that I had when I was in grade school my mom had it so super short it looked like a boys haircut

3. What was something that you did as a child that you thought you were so cool for doing?

contest for band, music, speech you name it I was in it and I thought it was awesome

4. Do you have any GREAT frugal family fun tips?

go back roads and stop and see the scenery

5. Would you drive across country if you had the money to fly?
yes I would love to take a car ride


  1. Thanks for visiting my the look of yours.

  2. Thanks for the visit. Yes, I would definitely drive across country, even if I had the money to fly. I love road trips with the kids.


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