Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bob Books giveaway

Watching your child learn to read is one of the most exciting things in their young life. Reading and writing will become a tool that will help their learn many things in life. Bob Books from Scholastic are there to help. The process of learning to read can be a path with struggles but Bob Books helps to make the path fun for both teacher and learner. The Bob Books series was developed over 30 years ago and are best sellers.

Bob Books were developed as a step by step program to guide your child gently through the early stages of reading. Repetition helps to make the reading skill stronger and the stages reading are conquered through the levels addressed by the stages of child's reading development. The Bob Books have been carefully crafted to be a simple tool that progressively teaches your child to succeed with confidence to learn at the earliest stages of reading. I know that our local school uses the Bob Books to teach children in Kindergarten and early part of First grade to read. They are a great tool for struggling readers as well.

I was sent two sets of these books. One set to keep for myself and the other I will be donating to the school so that they will have another set of books to use in the manner that they prefer. For a chance to win a set of your own tell me about teaching your child to win or a story about when you first learned to read.

Giveaway ends 6/22


  1. I learned to read by harrassing my mom constantly to tell me "what this says".After awhile she would just tell me to sound it out and I did

  2. I don't remember learning to read - probably bc I was so stinking young! ha! I loooooved to read. I was in a 3rd grade reading class in 1st grade and I really felt like hot stuff because of it! ;)

  3. My daughter and I work on reading on occasion and she LOVES it! It's neat to see how easily she picks up on it. :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  4. I learned to read by phonics. I remember that in school. I don't know how kids learn today, but I don't think they use that method from what I've heard.

  5. I don't remember how I learned to read - my Mother was a constant reader, we always had books in the house plus the library was on my way home from school and I stopped there all the time

    tiramisu392 (at)

  6. i remember learning to read in kintergarten with Letter books. i can remember bringing them home and working on letter sounds with my mom and dad. the books were really basic and i'd love to actually have them to help my daughter who is 4.

  7. When I was learning to read, my favorite books were Dr Seuss!

  8. I remember sounding out the words and reading a whole story to my Great Aunt Hazel. She was one patient lady (and lived to be 94)!

    jessicanunemaker at littleindiana dot com

  9. We are teaching our son to read through lots of repetition reading his favorite books. We are also teaching him phonics and so far he's impressing us with how fast he is picking up sounds!

    Apsychmommy at gmail dot com

  10. My oldest was homeschooled for the first few years. He taught himself to read. He was motivated because he had been given some educational computer games, but I got tired of reading the instructions for the games every time he played. After a while, he figured out how to read the rules himself. I was surprised with his new skill when we walked past a discount toy store and he saw a sign that advertised 50% off on Blues Clues toys (his favorite show at the time!) Yeah, we ended up going in and getting a toy - what could I do?! I was in shock and totally amazed!
    ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  11. I love teaching my daughter to read. As a librarian I see it as a super important skill! I remember my mom reading to me when i was little. My daughter is already picking up on every day words!
    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  12. when I was learning to read I remember making up way words were pronounced that were wrong and being so embarassed

  13. My son wanted to learn to read so bad, and he knew all of his alphabet and phonetic sounds so I enlisted the help of a fellow-teacher who helped jumpstart his reading process. He LOVES books, and although only 4 years old can read a few easy books on his own. He'll even sit for a 20 minute book reading and listen which is pretty incredible because he can't seem to sit for 4 minutes and eat dinner! :)

  14. My girl is going to be 4 soon and I'm slowly introducing letters to her routine. She knows how to write her name, mom and dad so far. I'll be working more regular with her starting this fall. :)

  15. I don't remember learning to read but I know I have always loved it. I am still a bookworm. In fact, my Mom tells people that when she would ground me and send me to room for punishment she would always have to add "and don't pick up a book & start reading either! Just sit on the bed & mull over what you did." HA!

    bamagv at aol dot com

  16. i was kind of hard with phonics it would be easier and more fun

  17. i learned to read by going to kindergarten, hahaha

    sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

  18. I learned to read at school but we home school our children and will be teaching our youngest this year to read
    thank you

  19. I remember doing a phonic computer game when I was in school learning to read. That is my only memory of learning to read! I was the kid that love reading so much, I would get in trouble for reading during class! My oldest daughter is 3 and already has a love for books. I can't wait to teach her to read! mommytheteacher(at)

  20. I don't remember learning to read but my mom was a pre-school teacher. She was always getting us to play games with letters and sounds and I never thought of it as work.

    melissamcnicol AT yahoo DOT com

  21. I do not remember when I learned to read but it seems like I was born with a book in my hand. That was all I did as a kid was read a book and into being a adult.

  22. My mom used the Montessori Method with me to teach me to read, I was profoundly dislexic and back then (the late 70's, early 80's) the school system just utterly failed me/my family - my mom, brilliant lady that she is spent hours and hours at home doing sandpaper letters, sand trays ect untill I "got it" and we read and read and read, her to me, me to her - until I was probably 12 or so! My mom is the only reason I made it to college. She is also why I homeschool LOL ;)

  23. i learned to read from practicing on Dr. Suess books that came monthly in the mail, repeat repeat repeat-Eric Carle books are good for this too.
    Diane baum

  24. My parents were very big on teaching me to read early - I can remember reading 3 Billy Goats in first grade and always being involved in book clubs. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
    sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

  25. I remember reading "The Polar Express"!

  26. I remember learning to read at a very early age. I started out by sounding out words phonetically and then went on to learn sight words. My mom used a magnetic alphabet board that was instrumental in helping me learn my letters and first words.

    I'm working on teaching my 4 year-old son to read. When we read to him, we make sure to remind him of the direction in which we read and sometimes stop and sound out words. He's not quite put it all together yet, but I know it will come soon as he knows all of his letters and the sounds they make.

    ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. my mom would sit with me for hours and teach me through pictures and words

  28. I remember when my parents brought those See Jane Go books to help me begin to read. You could call them easy readers

  29. My son is just starting to recognize letter blends and a few easy to read word but he has handfuls of books he says he can read because he has them memorized.

  30. i was reading by the time i was four, i loved to read
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  31. I remember one of the first books I learned to read was Dr. Seuss - In a People House, and I loved it! Now, decades later, my daughter is just learning to read and her favourite books are Dr. Seuss as well (Green Eggs and Ham).
    I find it interesting that we both had the same favourite author-- genetics? or coincidence?

  32. I remember going to kindergarten and not knowing my alphabet. Another girl knew hers and I was jealous. When I had my children I would sing them the alphabet song while brushing teeth. This helped and some knew how to read even before kindergarten

  33. my sister taught me to read and made flashcards. Instead of learning to sound out the word, I just memorized what it looked like, they were so impressed

  34. I've found that getting my kids funny books make them read like crazy.


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