Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some More About Me

1. would you rather go on a picnic or to a bbq?

I like both but a quiet picnic is always nicer than a loud bbq

2. would you rather go bra-less or panty-less?

bra less I believe that we should be like the ladies in the past and burn our bras (LOL)

3. would you rather go on a $5000 shopping spree at your favorite store or go on a $5000 vacation?

shopping spree would do me nicely

4. would you rather eat escargot or sauteed crickets?

neither one is in my diet plan but I have heard that escargot is not so bad

5. would you rather go on survivor or the amazing race?

amazing race not so sure I could do survivor

6. would you rather be hot or cold?

Cold Well if it were cold we could always put a jacket or blanket on

7. would you rather go to the beach or lake?

I love the beach but the lake just somehow feels more calm so I would choose lake

8. would you rather not shave your legs for a month in the summer or your armpits?

gosh hard choice I would go with legs because I could always go with capris but I need those sleeveless tees and to smell good

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Manic Monday - Hosted by bassgiraffe's Thoughts and Purple Froggie Clay Stuff


  1. I'd choose Amazing Race too because I know I wouldn't last on Survivor!

  2. I picked Amazing Race too! I just don't think I could bring myself to do some of the things I've heard about on Survivor!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post