Friday, May 20, 2011

Aloha Weather : The Weather Report

Aloha Friday is a weekly meme hosted by the blog An Island Life. It is a day to celebrate the ease of life because in Hawaii Friday is a day to take it easy and prepare for the busy weekend. This great meme allows bloggers to ask easy questions that require easy answers My question today is:

what type of weather have you all been experiencing this week?

The flood in our area is over and families and cities are trying to clean up what the flood left behind. The weather today is warm and nice yesterday was a bit gray and everyonce in a while a drip of rain would fall. For the most part the weather this week has been very mild.


  1. FINALLY we have been having nice weather...
    although, last week it was so hot i could melt.. then, the start of this week was cold (in the 40's)
    yesterday and today... just beautiful!!!!

  2. its been raining here, but nowhere near flood level thankfully

  3. We've been having wickedly wild thunderstorms all week - with flash flood warnings - nothing like what you guys have gotten though. It looks like we're finally getting a break at least until Sunday - maybe it'll finally dry out! :)

    Aloha: Playdates and Sleepovers

  4. We started out cold and rainy at the first of the week. Now, we are partly sunny/partly cloudy but much warmer. Got up to high 70's today.

  5. Mid 90s here. Too hot. I feel soon we'll get some storm.

  6. We have had cold, rainy days and warm days. Weird weather!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post