Sunday, April 10, 2011

Meet Me Monday

1. Who would be your dream celebrity date?

2. Do you have any food restrictions?

3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?

4. Sausage or bacon?

5. Do you Google, Bing or Yahoo?
1. Sam Elliot because he is very attractive and fun
2. well no allergies but I am diabetic
3. I get up 1 hour before leaving for work and between dressing, etc and messing with the computer I take the whole time
4. like both but bacon would be my top choice
5. do a bit of each I also love swagbucks


  1. I agree with you on Sam Elliot. I love his voice.

  2. I had never heard of swagbucks before today. Bacon is my choice too.

  3. Bacon was my choice, too, although I like both. Sam Elliot is a hottie!

  4. I have to stay focused in the morning or distractions can really extend the morning routine. Thanks for visiting Just One Donna.

  5. 1. Who would be your dream celebrity date?
    Eminem no doubt, but Im crushing on Curtis Stone at the moment with his accent :)

    2. Do you have any food restrictions?
    Nope but I hate coconut

    3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
    With shower, 30 minutes
    Without, about 10

    4. Sausage or bacon?

    5. Do you Google, Bing or Yahoo?
    Google, even if I suck at it

  6. For some reason I don't see your answers just the questions. Your blog background is very pretty. Doylene


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