Sunday, April 10, 2011

Max Lucado's Thoughts on Finances In a Marriage

I am just starting to read a book that Max Lucado one of my favorite authors wrote to help explain his thoughts on subjects in life. One of those subjects that we all face are finances. I love his answer to the question of handling finances in a marriage. He qoutes a few scriptures in Ephesians and Colosians as well as Titus and 1 Peter  on how a man is to love and lead his wife and points out that if the wife is more knowladgeable on the subject of finances then she should keep the family within the budget. He has a strong point here and I admire it. I will share more tidbits as I read the book as it looks it will be a great read.


  1. This is interesting, thanks for sharing. I will wait for more update.

  2. wives are always more knowledgeable ;-)


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