Saturday, April 23, 2011

Five Question Friday On Saturday : Easter

1. What is your favorite Easter tradition?

I love the church service, coloring eggs and egg hunts I guess you can say there are many things that i love about Easter

2. Are you a "shower" or a "long, hot bath" kind of person?

take showers most time because of time limits of life but love to soak in the tub as well and do so whenever possible

3. Can you parallel park and if so when is the last time you did it?

I do not drive so this is not a question I can easily answer

4. What is your favorite Easter candy?

Peeps and jelly beans

5. Easter: do you go all out with the Easter Bunny or focus on the religious part of the holiday?
we have always did a combination of it all

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be nice to have one of those cars that parallel park for you? But it would make me nervous!


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