Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Classic Family Recipe with Coca Cola #FamilyClassics

Coke is one thing that many members of my family can agree upon. While some of us may prefer the diet version of coca cola and others choose the coca cola in the red can we all are familiar with. While drinking coca cola is the way that many of us consume the sweet drink there are also many recipes that include coca cola as an important ingredient. One of my favorite recipes that I remember from my childhood is Bing Cherry Salad or others may refer to it as Coca Cola Salad This salad would often be served along side a meal of pork chops and potatoes but would also appear on the table during the holidays. So this is a very versatile recipe because it could be used for both casual and formal type of meals and was.

Bing Cherry Salad or Coca Cola Salad

2 boxes black cherry Jello

20 oz. coke

1 lg. crushed pineapple

1 lg. can sour pitted cherries, drained

1/2 c. pecans, chopped

1 (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened

To start with the pineapple must first be drained saving the juice into a pan. Into the pan of pineapple juice add coke and bring the mixture to a boil. The jello should be placed into a large mixing bowl and the hot liquid will be poured over top. Mix the nuts, cream cheese which should be soft, cherries and pineapple together in seperate bowl. Now you will want to mix all the ingredients together. This mixture should be poured into a casserol, jello mold or other serving dish Chill til firm and Serve. 
I often tease my mom about being the jello queen. I call her the jello queen because ever since I was a young girl I can remember her making special salads and desserts using the base of jello. She was a mom who had 5 children , worked full time, and still made beautiful home cooked meals for her family she needed something quick and easy to prepare for her family. The addition of coca cola in this salad offers a taste of familiarity as well as a crispness that taste great. The coca cola in this salad helps to offer an old fashioned cherry cola taste to me. Yes Coca Cola has for long time been a favorite of my moms I can remember her telling me about the days when she was in high school and would go to the drugstore where she we would order a coca cola at the counter in the back of the store. Occasionally she would order a chocolate coca cola or a vanilla coca cola and daddy loved the cherry coca cola. Did you all know that there were so many delicious flavors to go with Coca Cola? I have always thought about sitting at the counter of the drugstore on one of those swirly stools sipping on a coca cola with ice. Oh what a flirt I would be (LOL)
Do you have any recipes where the ingredient of Coca Cola is present? I would love it if you would share it with me.
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Coca-Cola® blogging program. If I am one of the first 100 blogs received by SocialsMoms, I will receive a $25 gift card. For more information on the program, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Another great Coke Recipe. Yummy

    thanks for visiting Books R Us


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