Friday, March 11, 2011

Aloha Friday

Recently I was able to spend some time in a farm store It instantly sent me back to my childhood years and the time that I spent at my grandparents farm. I ended up buying a few plants that I can make a nice spring garden with. One thing that made my mind really go back to the past and my childhood was the baby chicks. Each spring my dad and grandmother would purchase chicks. They would be delivered and picked up at the post office and taken to the farm though rather than coming from a store. My question for this aloha friday is 

do you have any special spring memories of your child and if so I would love to hear it.


  1. thanks for stopping by Annie! I'm following you back! Have a good weekend!

  2. My maternal grandparents had a huge cherry orchard - we used to love to run around and play hide-n-seek in the orchard, and climb the trees like monkeys. ;)

    Aloha: Weather

  3. Thanks for the follow at Mom Always Finds Out. Here to follow back, have a great weekend and hope to see you again,

  4. my fondest memory of spring is the Easter egg hunt!

  5. Thanks for following me and my sister! Following back!

  6. Easter Egg Hunts, they were always very competitive between me and my 3 siblings!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post