Monday, February 7, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

1. Did you watch the Superbowl?

no but I heard all about it and my team was victorious

2. What is the last book that you read?

I am still reading a great book that I will blog about later that helps us to understand that even in the darkest moments God is still with us

3. What is your favorite kind of cake?

my favorite is angel food with strawberries and whip cream on the side

4. Do you snore?

they say I do but I have never caught myself doing that

5. Do you play an instrument?

yes I can play a clarinet

would love to hear your answers as well if you stop by here please leave me a comment and I will visit and follow your blog back


  1. Hi Annie!
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    I like your blog background.
    I am trying to find the button to follow you! :)
    Hugs xx

  2. Well, if you never catch yourself then you obviously don't. ;)
    I'm your latest Google Follower, by the way. Nice to meet you. :D

    I played, too! :D Sorry I'm late. :( Been a crazy week.

    Rebecca at


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post