Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Win a Aprica Presto Stroller

I have a grand daughter and a grand son on the way. Their mommy and daddy love to do many activities that they take their children along on. The strollers that they use take a lot of wear and tear and they stand up pretty well. With a new baby on the way though I am sure that they could also use a new stroller to either move the older one up to a new stroller to use for the littlest one. The choice would be up to them all I want to do is to win this great new Aprica presto Stroller in a giveaway hosted by the Busy Mommy Media. Giveaway ends December 17, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Hi i am a mom with a 20 moth old , taking her out without a stroller is very hard,and to have other thing to carry and she wants me to carry her,,this stroller would do wonder for me and my little girl, i have back pain from carry her


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