Friday, December 10, 2010

Aloha Friday

Aloha Friday sponsored by the blog An Island Life began as a place to celebrate the ease that is enjoyed in Hawaii. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. This meme allows bloggers to ask fellow bloggers easy questions that require simple easy answers.

December has been packed full of activiities Tonight we will all go to a favorite eating place and then go to a Christmas concert. I just love getting together with great friends and having lots of fun. We have a day where we will be taking cookies to the shut ins as well as caroling. So my question for you is:

Have you been able to enjoy any Christmas events? I would love to know what you have been doing as well


  1. We haven't really done any major events for Christmas. Lots of simple arts projects with the kids and putting up the tree and we did see Santa at a small mall that let you take pictures with him for free (yay for free!) that's about it so far.

  2. The only event I am planning on attending is my work Christmas party. Other than that its just the 4 of us and we like to enjoy our time together.

  3. I went to 2 Christmas parties this week and we plan to look at lights this weekend. They do it all up around here, it's hard to choose just which place to go. (Mississippi)

  4. I'm trying to keep it calm this year.

    Have a great Friday!

  5. putting up the tree so far, and lots of Christmas movies!
    And soon, picture with Santa on the mall.

  6. Mostly just putting up the tree...though tonight I am going to a Christmas party, we have our church choir program next week. I think we are taking our son to get pics with Santa next week too

  7. No events yet, but hubby and I were just talking about needing to plan time to have Princess Nagger's picture taken with Santa. ;)

    Aloha: Shopping

  8. So far, no events. We are skipping the Christmas parties at work this year. We are going to see lights on Christmas Eve like we do every year.

  9. Nothing as yet. I hope to visit the zoo to see the safari of lights, but that's about it.


  10. We haven't had any Christmas events yet.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post