Friday, December 3, 2010

Aloha Friday

Its Friday Once again and that means that it is time for the Aloha Friday meme. This meme is the perfect place to have a bit of fun as bloggers have the chance to ask simple questions that require only a simple answer. This meme is hosted by the blog An Island Life.

My question today is:

Do you have your Christmas Tree up yet?

My answer is:

Mine is not up yet we have been rearranging furniture and will put it up first of next week Many of our friends have theirs up though and my children keep asking when ours is going up.


  1. I'm feeling kind of lazy about decorating anything this year...

    Have a great Friday!

  2. we are putting ours up next week..
    been busy this week

  3. Not yet. We actually almost considered skipping the tree this year with a super adventurous climbing toddler in the house, but we're going to give it a shot anyway and hope for the best, probably will put it up this weekend.

  4. I will begin tomorrow when my son is not in school.

    Aloha :)

  5. Yup, our tree has been up since Black Friday!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post