Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tetley Tea Review

We are in the middle of Indian Summer here where the days are quite warm and the evenings are cool. I love this time of year where the leaves begin to change and nature begins to get ready for the coolness of winter. One thing that I love is to sip a glass of iced tea and enjoy the afternoons sitting in the yard. Recently we were able to try the delicious taste of Tetley tea. I am not for sure if I had tried Tetley tea before but after trying it I can tell you that it has opened my eyes to the difference in tea. Growing up my mother would use one brand of tea and my first years of marriage it was easier to make instant tea or at least I thought so. Tetley Tea had a smooth taste that seemed to meet approval of my entire family.

Tetley Tea has been around for quite a while more than 160 years. Tetley's early roots are in England started by two brothers Joseph and Edward Tetley. The company was originally Joseph Tetley & Co and the tea would be sold off of pack horse from 1837 to 1856. In 1856 the company moved to London which was the center of the world's tea trade. The brothers would eventually separate in business and Joseph would take care of the company. Later his son would partner with him and the business would grow and the company extended. In 1888 the company started to send Tetley Tea around the United States. The round tea bags of Tetley Tea would change the shape of tea known and sold. In 1997 Tetley went one step further and created drawstring tea bags. The drawstring bags ensures that every little drop of flavor goes into each cup of tea.

Tetley Tea can be found on
twitter @ http://twitter.com/tetleyusa
facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/tetleyusa
you can also get a coupon by subscribing to Tetley Tea newsletter http://tetleyusa.com/Promotions_Coupons.php

Try delicious Tetley Tea you can find it at most leading grocery stores.

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