Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Make Time For Change

Figidaire and Jennifer Garner have teamed up to support Save the Children. They are offering you the chance to get involved in well with the Make Time For Change event. Save the Children want to help ensure that more children have access to nutritious foods this holiday season and all year long. What can you do you are wondering? Well one very easy thing that you can do is to visit the vrtual kids' table on facebook and set a plate. Frigidaire will donate $1 to help kids in need and you will be entered for a chance to win the daily prize, $50 toward your holiday spread and an entry into the grand prize of a new Frigidaire Professional freestanding gas range. While on the Make Time for Change facebook page why not check out a few of the great kid inspired holiday recipes.

Check out Make TIme for Change on twitter as well

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