Monday, October 25, 2010

Gain review

The great smell of Gain has been here for a while in our laundry detergent. Now we have a new product to add to the Gain lineup. The new product available is Gain dishwashing liquid. It comes with a great smell of freshness and seems to work pretty well with dishes. The only problem I see is that I have to use more of it than my regular dish detergent because it seems just a bit thin to me. While my family is larger than other families and it may just be the amount of dishes that are done in my house.

Thanks to My Blog Spark and Gain for sending me three tees one to keep for myself and 2 to give to friends along with a $5 gift card that they can purchase the same great product from gain.

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1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've used Gain. I love to hear good reviews though, thanks!!


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