Friday, October 8, 2010

Aloha Friday :
Wow!!! Its been a while since I have participated in Aloha Friday. It is one of my favorite memes where bloggers get to ask an easy question that other bloggers can give a simple answer to. But like I posted earlier I have been very busy in September. One thing that we have been doing is setting up shop again it is a consignment / antique shop that we both love. It is a lot of work to do though and keeps us very busy. My Aloha Friday question has a lot to do with our shop in that I would like to know:

What is it that you like to shop for? Is it clothing, do you have a hobby or collection or exactly what is it that if you could go shopping for anything you would love to shope for?


  1. Only thing I like shop for is food LOL :)

  2. My shopping love is for antiques. I can't stop.

  3. I love to shop. Doesn't matter what kind of store I'm at, I'm happy just to be shopping.

    Here's my Aloha Friday

  4. I like to shop for clothes, shoes, accessories... I love to shop and it doesn't have to be for me.

  5. I love to shop for rock climbing and golfing supplies! :)

  6. I mostly only shop for groceries any more, but I love to pretend to shop for shoes and clothes and jewelry and purses, and homes and well anything but groceries!

  7. I love to go shopping at the Second Hand Stores. When my daughter comes out to visit that's all we do. Shopping and then lunch sometimes. We love it. Thanks for stopping by, and I'm returning the follow. I also have a new meme for Monday's. Monday's Music Moves Me. Come by and check it out maybe even play along. I hope so. It's tons of fun! Have a great weekend.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post