Friday, September 3, 2010

Vintage Recipe for Delicious Carrot Dish


1 Bunch carrots sliced and cooked until tender.
1 onion sliced thin
1 mango (if you want)
1 can Campbell’s tomato soup
1 tablespoon Worchester sauce
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup oil

Mix last 6 ingredients and heat. Put carrots and onions in. Simmer just enough to heat well.


  1. That recipe looks so great and simple to prepare.
    I so love to cook. :)

    Stopping by to thank you for the follow and proudly to return the same!
    Nice to meet you and have a good weekend!

  2. That does sound very vintage. I'm not sure what makes it so but I can't say I've eaten something like that before. Thanks for the unique recipe!


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