Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ten Ways to Go Green In Your Home

Going Green is the new fashion sense for many. The truth is for many it is more than a fashion sense it is a way of life, a way of doing good for our own environment, our own part of the world, the entire earth. There are several ways that you can improve your environment and make your home greener. I would like to share a few of these tips here with you.
  • Reusing is also a great way that can help make not only the earth green but your home Milk Jugs have many uses after being empty.. Some of these uses include keeping cold water in (this is something that my grandparents did often. They would keep a jug of water in the fridge. Let me tell you on a hot day that cold water quenched the thirst.) I have also seen milk jugs used in craft projects you can look online and find many crafts that use empty milk jugs A third option is to cut off the top of the jug and make a funnel with a handle. You can then use the bottom of the jug after being washed out for a container.
  • Using black out curtains or drapes can help you save energy as well. In the summer they block the sun rays out and keep the house a bit cooler. In the winter they can be opened in the day time to allow the sun to come in and heat the house a bit and close them to keep cold drafts out at night time.
    • Here’s a tip you can use this coming weekend when you have the annual barbecue. Instead of using firelighters that have harmful chemicals try a natural firelighter instead. The food may taste better just because you know you did something to help make the planet green.
    • The next time your printer needs ink consider refilling the cartridge rather than tossing it out for a new one. This often saves money as well and there will be less ink cartridges winding up in the landfill
    • Environment free glue has come a long way from flour and water. Simply check on the market. This would be great for crafts.
    • If you use wood fire pit, fireplace, etc… where you will have ashes then here is a tip for you. Use the ashes to place around a garden or flour bed to defer rodents away from the plants
    • Plastic bags like the ones from the grocery store have many reuses. For one you can make a plastic wreath using a wire circle and tying plastic bags on. Another great use is for knee pad covering tie around knees and you will have a wonderful knee pad cover to do your gardening and weeding.
    • Recycling is something that we do quite often. We recycle cans all the time. Not only do we get a bit of money but we also help make the earth a bit greener. Find out about ways you can recycle in your neighborhood
    • I once had a children’s book that helped show a variety of ways to reuse a cardboard box. From making a fort to a race car to drawing and the list went on cardboard boxes are great to have around. Cardboard boxes can also be used by the Gardner from a kneeling on the cardboard while gardening and weeding to using as mulch
    • We all love to read those cereal boxes while we are enjoying our breakfast but did you know there are many great ways to reuse the cereal box Cut the box for a magazine and bookmarks. Use as postcard by cutting decorating the postcard.

    I hope that these tips will help you make your world a bit greener. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day makes household claners for people like you and me who are searching for a better way to clean. All of the cleaning supplies are earth friendly biodegradable, phospate free and not tested on animals. No more chemicals is our desire and we are in luck as Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day products use natural plant derived essential oils to powerfully fight against daily dirt and grime. Rather than smelling the harsh chemicals after cleaning your house you will be able to enjoy the scent of cool and crisp basil, soothing lavender, invigorating lemon verbena and uplifting geranium. In addition to the cleaning products Mrs. Meyer’s makes a line of Baby Blossoms personal care products developed and dermatologist tested for little ones. So when you get ready to clean next time remember to do so with Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day cleaners.

    “I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Mrs. Meyer’s blogging program, making me eligible to get a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here


  1. Thanks for following Mommy Time Out

  2. These are excellent tips! I agree with the black curtains keeping things cooler:)

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