Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunkist S'alternative and contest information

Lemons that delicious yellow fruit that makes our drinks, desserts, salads and meats come to life. But with all the wonderful flavor they offer have you ever stopped to think about their health feature? I truly have never stopped to think about a lemon being healthy, sour maybe but never healthy. Sunkist S'alternative wants you to know that lemons are the healthy and flavorful salt alternative. We all know that lemons add wonderful flavoring to dishes now we can also rest assured that they are good for us as well. To help bring awareness to lemons the sodium alternative they have created a wonderful website full of information and recipes located at http://www.sunkistsalternative.com/

Sunkist wants to allow you and other lemon lovers to get in on the act as well by entering a recipe contest sponsored by Sunkist. S’alternative recipe contest ends September 30, 2010 so you have from now til then to submit your recipes for appetizer, salad, main course or sauce featuring Sunkist lemons as an alternative to salt. Winners have a chance to win up to a $1,000 grocery gift card!!! Two first prize winners will each receive a $500 grocery gift card!!!!! and seven third prize winner will receive a $100 grocery card. For a total of 10 winners, sounds like a great contest to me. Contest rules include open to U.S. residents 16 years of age and up. Official Rules

“I wrote this blog post at the request of Sunkist, making me eligible to get $10 in free Sunkist Lemons.”

1 comment:

  1. That's a great alternative to add flavor, I'm not sure it would work in all my recipes...but probably some...particularly the seafood ones.


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