Monday, September 6, 2010

Johnny Apple Seed activities


Johnny Appleseed's Birthday will be later this month of September 26, 2010. I have always loved the Johnny Apple Seed character. I was taught that he was a happy man who thanked God for all he had. His real name was John Chapman and he was an early pioneer who planted apple trees throughout his journey through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. For more information much of which I had not heard of myself you can visit the Wikipedia at In the meantime sit back and listen to a Disney clip about Johnny Apple Seed.

Here are a few great things that you can do to celebrat Johnny Apple Seed day. When my children were younger and we homeschooled these were a few of the things that we did together.

create a apple tree using construction paper and thumb prints painted red. It is very easy and fun just be sure that you have a rag waiting for those red thumbs or you will have red spots everywhere.

Make an apple pie or crisp. Here is a great recipe for Caramel Apple Pie

Make some homemade apple sauce here is a recipe for CrockPot Apple Sauce

Apple Stamping is easy to do and just takes an apple and a bit of paint and paper. Cut the apple in half and either brush paint on the apple or allow the apple to soak up paint on a paper plate. Then take the painted apple and stamp it onto the piece of white paper.

Hope you have lots of fun teaching your child or grandchild about Johnny Apple Seed.

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