Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Adorable Fall Craft

Silk leaves (found in craft and department stores)
White fabric paint
White or silver glitter
Paintbrush or foam brush
Waxed paper
Black permanent marker

Here's how:

1. Turn each leaf so the points face up. Use the scissors to round the top to resemble a ghost's head.

2. Working on a waxed paper-covered surface, paint the leaves white (front and back). If needed, give them a second coat.

3. While the paint is still tacky, sprinkle the surfaces with glitter.

4. Once the paint dries, use the marker to draw on ghostly facial features.

Source : Disney Family .com


  1. thanks for posting this we will def have to give them a try my daughter loves crafts!

  2. This is adorable! I'm going to have to try this with my little ones!


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