Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful that we were able to serve nearly 1,000 individuals during our annual back to school event. There were many that visited this year and received school supplies, shoes, haircuts, clothing, new underwear and socks and a free meal. What a blessing it was to be among the workers at this event. To see a child get a new pair of shoes is a blessing compared to none. Many of these children were ones that I knew from the community and were children of working parents who were struggling so the new shoes they received they may not have been able to have had. I Praise God that were able to supply this need and show the love of Jesus to others.

I am thankful that both school and college have started for my younger ones at home and all seems to be going well. My oldest son will start at the University on Monday. I also pray that he will be able to deal with the massiveness of the school without getting lost. I am very thankful that my children are able to go in school past the high school degree.

I am thankful that my oldest daughter is reaching near the end of her first trimester of pregnancy and all is looking good. It was a bit scary at first but at this time we are Praising God for all he has done. I am thankful that the report at the specialist went well and that at the time being her condition is not bothering the unborn child. This will be watched very closely with monthly visits to the specialist and ultrasounds and frequent sonograms.

I am very thankful for the blessings I have received


  1. Congrats on the back to school event. Way to go. :)

  2. It is wonderful that you give back to those wj=ho need it. There are wonderful charities that give the school children what they need to start school. My husband and I found a great one to donate new shoes and socks to. We need to give back, especially now with so many people out of work!

  3. Great blessings this week!
    Happy TT!

  4. WOW! You got some big things happening. A big new school, helping so many others, and a new baby on the way!!! You are so blessed! I hope everything goes well with school and the baby! Have a great week and happy TT!

  5. Thanks for stopping in and visiting with me today.

    What great blessings you have, the school event sounds like a huge success. Praise God!


  6. Hi! Thanks for stopping by & commenting on my TT post. You had some great blessings yourself. Hope & pray things continue to goo well with your expectant daughter.


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