Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Random Thought Tuesday


Wow!!! Can you believe August is here? Back to school time and back to an empty house for at least part of the day here. While my daughters who are to be attending college have dragged their heels to get things done I am proud to say my sons were on the ball and they are ready to go. Things are starting to look better for the girls as I believe the last of the paperwork has been turned in. I for one hope for a good year for all of them.

My mom has a little shop in a small town where she sells new, old, rare and even odd items. She started out being the only shop on the block now there are several shops on the block and it is becoming harder and harder for her to find a parking spot let alone the customers. This I believe is when you know it is time to look for another location. I wish them the best of luck in whatever they do as they have been doing great business as of late so the decision to move is a hard one.

VBS is over and a week from this coming Sunday we will have our big Back To School boost. This is always great for the children who need items and the workers who show up to meet, greet and help. I am one of those workers and my children work as well. If you are a praying person I ask that you keep this event on your list.

Well that's about all the random I have right now what do you have on your mind? Would love to hear and share in your thoughts as well.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone is dragging their feet regarding school around here! The college boys are pretending it isn't happening. And the high school boy has yet to START his summer reading.

    Happy Tuesday to you!


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