Saturday, July 17, 2010

Six Word Saturday

You Can Call Me Grandma Again.

I know that I have posted on my blog once before but with news like this who can resist saying it again? That is right I will be grandma again. This will be my second grandchild. I do need to ask you all a favor though and keep my daughter in your prayers it seems that there may be a small problem. Her blood showed positive for anibody E. I am not familiar with this and would like to ask any of my readers if they are familiar at all with it would they share with me some information. Thanks


  1. Praying for your daughter! Congratulations. :)

  2. My prayers are with you & yr granddaughter.

    Hope all goes well,


    PS Mine this week is HERE. Hope you can join me.

  3. Congratulations! Oh and the antibody E will most likely not cause any problems with the baby, mom, or pregnancy. here's a quick site you may want to visit

    Hope it helps!

  4. Congratulations!! Keeping your daughter in my thoughts - I hope she has a wonderful pregnancy!

  5. ~oh congrats on such news!! well safe nurturing blessings to mama and baby...may she be blessed with only a beautiful sweet road ahead! warm wishes and brightest blessings~


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