Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Beat The Heat and Eat Good

We have made it through the first months of summer but we still have some heat coming up in the next month or so. Here are a few ideas of how you can eat good and stay cool preparing it.

Summer Salads
This is one of my favorite times of the year because fresh produce is located every where. If you don't grow your own then check out the local farmer market. Fresh fruit and vegetable platters can be sided with cottage cheese, pasta salads, yogurt, tuna salad, or egg salad for a delicious light meal. The nutrients in this type of light meal is great as well.

Grill out:

Some individuals grill out the whole year through. For me and my family the best time for grilling is during the heat of the summer. It is too hot to cook inside so grill outside where the heat can stay. The delicious food will make for a great meal.

Avoid Boiling:

If you have to do it early in the morning or late at night. I understand there are those dishes that we consider picnic fare that require boiling If you do this in the early morning or late evening you can store the dish in the fridge and reheat at a later point. Boiling has a negative point at contributing to the heat of the kitchen as well as to the humidity. One thing to do may be to use a pressure cooker that will cut down the time of boiling dramatically.

Be smart when cooking use the crockpot or cook once and eat twice. You may even consider a marathon of cooking for the entire week. Don't forget about the no cook meals or the microwave meals as well. Cutting down heat in the kitchen can be done if you use your common sense and smarts in the kitchen.

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