Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday's Fave 5

This week has been a doozy for me. Finding out that someone I dearly loves lied to me and then tried to cover up when I found out. Finding out that my e-mail that I thought was being delivered correctly had really not ended up at all where it was to and now I am fixing problems between winners and sponsors. So when my five came this week I was very thankful for them.

  1. Finding out that the adoption of this young lady is finally happening. Her mom is one of my best friends and all though she has raised this child since she was real young she was not her real mother. Today she formally adopts this young lady and I am so happy for them

  2. Attending a Dependence day event full of fun where we acknowledged our dependence on God with my family was a fun event. Spent time talking and having a great time.

  3. The cooler days have been nice we know that we are now in July so I am sure the heat wave will arrive soon enough

  4. My daughter finding out that the problem with her car was the spark plugs not that is good news we were afraid it would be more expensive

  5. My son finding out good news at the doctors office. I don't want to share too much yet because we don't know all the details.

  6. My daughter being accepted into a college that she wanted to go to. We are delighted she was part of the second chance group and got in YEAH!!!!

  7. spending time talking and joking with my hubby this week we normally are both so busy this does not happen alot.


  1. That's awesome about the adoption. How cool. And congrats on everything else. How exciting and what good news it all was. Have a great weekend :)

  2. I like the idea of the Fave 5! I'm glad that you've had a good week, despite your "friend"! Have a great 4th!

  3. Congratulations to your son for getting in to the college he wanted to go to! Great news about the adoption as well.

  4. that's the spirit.......if you have a bad week, turn your fave five into a fave seven :o) Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Great post. I love hearing about kids getting forever parents!

  6. So glad you participated even though you were having a hard week!

    Very exciting news for your friend adopting! That is so awesome.

    Glad for the good news !

  7. I appreciate that: the balance of celebrating Independence Day and dependence on God.

  8. This is exciting news on the adoption.

    Congratulation on your daughter accepted into a college.

    Cool days or cool nights I like them. We might be in for a little heat after the rain stops.
    Have a great week.

  9. oh wow someone lied to you not like its the first or the last


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